Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, September 3, 2007

T minus 35.95 hours until the WHOPPER of the knee surgery

That's right folks...only 36.95 hours (35 hours and 57 minutes) until the WHOPPER knee surgery. I have mixed emotions right now: I'm nervous, anxious, scared, excited, optimistic, apprehensive, and the list goes on! I have 100% confidence in Dr. Plauche. Even though it will stink being away from Graham for 4 days (Jeff and Mom promise that they will bring him up to visit me -- I said that they could set up his pack-n-play in my room so that he could cheer me up!), I know that it will be best for me to have the IV antibiotics to prevent any infections. I was talking to mom the other night and I was trying to remember how I felt after this surgery years ago and all that I could recall was the bruise in the shape of a hand and arm that went from my knee up to my hip. When I questioned my surgeon about it, he informed me that he put his entire arm up my leg to reposition my quads! EWWW!!! The other thing that I recalled was my determination to do a straight leg raise on my own without any assistance. I remember laying on the floor at the top of the stairs trying with ALL of my might to do just ONE leg raise. I couldn't do it. Mom stayed right by my side encouraging me, but it wasn't happening. I know that it will be a long road to recovery but I'm looking forward to being able to run with Graham, get down on the ground and play pain free! This surgery will be a life-changing event and I'm really looking forward to it!!!!
Jeff and I went to La-Z-Boy today and purchased a recliner that will be my chair/bed for the next couple of weeks. We got a great deal!! We will pick it up tomorrow and I'm pretty excited!!! It will be a great birthday present!!
Now onto Mr. Graham man!!! He's so cute!! We were in Walmart today and 15 people stopped us and told us how beautiful he is!! I know that we are partial - but he must really be cute for strangers to stop us! It's quite nice to be reminded!! :) We went and had his 10 month pictures taken, I have put them in 2 separate slide shows for you to enjoy. Graham LOVES to wave, smile, give high fives, smile, stand up, attempt to climb, smile, chase the cats at my parents house, crawl everywhere, and the list could go on!!! He is boycotting the sippy cup now, but I guess he'll drink from it again when he is ready.
I hope that you enjoy the pictures!

I will try and post soon after my surgery to let you know what they find/how it went!! Please keep us all in your prayers! I ask that you specifically pray for the doctors and nurses who will care for me during and after my surgery; for my family as they take on the role of caregivers for both me and Graham while Jeff works; for Jeff as he takes on more responsibility over the next few weeks; for safe travel for my mother-in-law who is graciously coming to stay with us indefinately to help care for me and Graham - and make Jeff and my parents' lives a little easier! I appreciate your thoughts and prayers!!!
In the Hands of the Great Physician -

Lauren, Jeff, & Graham

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