Miles has been doing so well, that it was inevitable that he'd have a couple bad days. He was eating like a champ, off of his oxygen, heading towards getting out of his
isolette......and then he started having
apenic episodes, his heart rate started dropping randomly, he became tired and sometimes lethargic....he was trying to remind us that even though he's doing well, he's still small & is supposed to be taking it easy having
everything done for him in
utero! Yesterday he had a rough day with his feedings and actually took most feeds by his tube. He was not interested in waking up to eat, let alone eat well!
This morning when I arrived at the hospital, the nurse was stalling on moving him to an open crib. No big deal I thought. They just had 2 admits of bad babies and they were busy. That was until the nurse practitioner came in and talked to me for a while. She explained that he was back-sliding, taking 2 steps forward and one step back is normal, it's known at the NICU 2-step -- but we had taken 2 steps backwards. Since she went off 48 hours prior (when he was tube free and eating fabulously), he had regained all of his tubes back and was sluggish. She said that he looked like a totally different baby today. They sent some lab work down to see what was going on. Was it infection? Anemia? Everything normal and he was just trying to tell us to take it slow? Thankfully the labs came back showing that he was very anemic. His
retic count came back and they decided to start him on the
Epogen protocol.
Epogen will help Miles make more red blood cells and should allow him to carry Oxygen better throughout his little body! Our prayer is that this helps him. He will
receive the shots on M-W-F's. His first dose will be tomorrow AM and then the next on Monday, etc. They will draw labs on Tuesday to see how his body is responding to the treatment. Please pray with us that this helps and that we see him turn the corner back to his perky self. Prior to yesterday the little piglet was rooting an hour before it was time to eat! Thankfully he is continuing to gain weight. Last night he was 4 lbs 15.7 oz. We might hit the 5 lbs mark tonight!!!
There are 3 private rooms attached to the main room of the
NICU. Last night the nurse moved a baby out of one of the rooms and put Miles in the room. So we now have a private room, and it has a bed in there for me!! I am spending the night tonight to work on breastfeeding with him (not that he has a problem with this!! Just trying to see how he does for 24 hours of breastfeeding). As exhausted as I am, I am looking forward to this sleepless, restless night!! I can't believe I'm getting to spend the night with my little man!!!
As anxious as I am to have him home, I have come to the realization that he's in the
NICU for as long as he needs to be. As much as I long for a "going home" date, I have to practice patience and wait...and wait...and wait.
Yesterday and today I came up later in the day and it was nice having a slow morning at home. Graham is handling this all so well! But he is so confused. He doesn't understand why Mommy is gone a lot; why he stays at school a little later because Daddy is visiting Miles; why he can't go see Miles whenever he wants, etc. I know it must be hard on him.
I've rambled long enough and my dinner is getting cold! There is no
internet at the hospital (real up to date, huh?) so I'm sitting at
McAlisters :) !
Thanks again for all of the prayers! Keep them coming!
Praying for Strength,
Jeff, Lauren, Graham & Miles
Sorry for no pictures tonight - I left the camera cord at home...