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Monday, January 12, 2009

2 weeks old

Once again, I apologize!! Between trying to fit in pumping every 3 hours, eating, sleeping, quality time with Graham & Jeff and being at the hospital for 6+ hours a day, blogging has taken the backseat.

Since I last updated, Miles has taken his first car (ambulance) ride, come on and off of Oxygen a couple of times, managed to pull out several feeding tubes, is breastfeeding like a champ, has been fed a bottle by his big brother, and has become much more alert!

Last Tuesday, we were transferred to North Florida's Level II NICU. Miles no longer needed to be in the Level III NICU at Shands, and the docs felt like we would have a more pleasant experience at North Florida. It is a smaller, more intimate, family friendly setting -- 6 babies as opposed to 54! I'll take that!! So far, we have loved our nurses. One small run-in but that was cleared up with some orders!

Overall, Miles is doing FANTASTIC! Who would have thought that he would be breastfeeding as well as he is. I'm trying to be there for at least 3 of his feeds a day. It's not as easy this go-round...having a 2 year old throws a whole new dimension into the mix! Not to mention the hospital is 50 min. away from home. As of now, he is still pooping out with some of his feeds, so they are having to use his feeding tube 2 out of the 8 feeds a day - not too bad (although we wish we didn't have to use it at all!). He is also using Oxygen with some of his feeds. Not all of them, but he tells us when he needs it!! So we aren't tube free anymore, but we're heading back in that direction - and that's progress!

On Saturday, Graham came up to see Miles. I love seeing my boys together!! :) It truly melts my heart! I can't wait to have Miles home with us so that we can fully adjust to being a family of four. As much as I want to have Miles at home, I know that he is where he needs to be right now. He's still experiencing some drops in his heart rate and his oxygen sats; fortunately they resolve themselves, but he is still little! I know that he will come home when he is ready, but the mom in me still wants to rush him home so I can love on him whenever I want!!

Back to the boys being together.....I had just finished feeding Miles and he was needing to be supplemented. So I asked Graham if he would like to help Jeff feed Miles, and he replied "OK!". So I hand the bottle to Graham (not sure what I was thinking!) and he attempts to put it in Miles' mouth, only Miles won't open up. So Graham then puts the nipple in HIS mouth and quickly pulls it out, frantically begins wiping his tongue and saying "AHHH. YUCKY" was a bottle with formula in it! I'm hoping Graham learned his lesson! I then started over with a new bottle and put it in Miles' mouth. Graham grabbed a hold of the bottle and took Jeff's hand off of the bottle saying "No thank you". Mr. Independent wanted to do it himself! And he was mighty good if I say so myself! :)

On Sunday, Pops took a little break from class in Jax to come spend some quality time loving on Miles and visiting with me! We had a great time together, even though it was short! One things for sure.....Miles will never be without someone to hold him and love on him!

Today, mom & I visited Miles for a while. Mom got to love on him....and it's amazing how he just fits in the crook of her neck! I have a feeling he will fall in love with that spot a lot over his lifetime! The NP today wrote orders to start weaning Miles out of the isolette into a big boy bed!! We are going to take it slow so that we don't end up back in the box, but nurse Karen seems to think we'll be in our big boy bed tomorrow!! WHOO HOOO!! :) :) :)
Thanks again for all of the love and prayers!! We feel them and see them at work in Sweet Little Miles!
Jeff, Lauren, Graham, and Miles

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Lauren - I decided to come check out your blog to see how things are going! I'm glad to hear Miles is progressing and I'll keep y'all in my prayers.