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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Guess who's graduating out of his isolette?

Miles continues to do well! He was having an increased number of bradycardic episodes and his oxygen sats were dipping to 89%, so they have given him his oxygen back. He's only on 25%, and you & I breathe 21%.....the little stinker just wants that extra little sniff!! I guess I can't blame him - he's still supposed to be cooking for another 6 weeks. He's accomplished a lot in the last 2 weeks!

He is on his way out of the isolette! Since the outside temp has dropped in the last couple of days, they are taking it slow. We moved his isolette away from the window yesterday because it was downright cold right there!! Mom and I were freezing so I can imagine what the little guy was having to do to keep his temp up! But by the time we get there today, Miles should be in his big boy bed!!
I'm going to be able to stay at the hospital on Thursday night to work on feeds. I'm really looking forward to that! Since Miles still has alarms going off, they won't allow him to come to my room, but I'm sure that sleepless night will be bliss!! :)

Miles had an episode of apnea on Monday night, which means we will be there for at least another week. We have to go 7 days without an episode before discharge (we also need to get off of oxygen, continue to gain weight, not poop out during feeds). So please pray that we will not have anymore episodes!! This was his first one, and he resolved it on his own, but it still happened!
Graham is ready for Miles to be home, too! Last night, Mom brought me to the church to get Jeff & Graham (someone locked their keys in the car for the second time in 2 weeks....) so that we could go rescue Jeff's car keys and car from the Mortgage Company parking lot. When Mom dropped us off and we got settled into Jeff's car, Graham says "Hopipal. Miles." He wanted to go see Miles!! MELT MY HEART! He was so upset when we said that we were going home. For a split second I thought about loading Graham up and heading back the hospital ... but then I came back to reality and realized there was no way that I was going to handle both boys, by myself, in the NICU ... not to mention I was exhausted!!

Thanks for keeping up!! We feel the prayers!!
Anxiously awaiting a discharge date....

Jeff, Lauren, Graham & Miles

PS - We should be closing on our house at the end of next week!!!! :) I wonder which house Miles will come home too...

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