Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, September 29, 2008

The verdict is in...

It's a BOY!!
Miles Thomas should make his debut in February! We are very excited!!! :) He wasn't shy at showing us his male parts but he was NOT going to let us get a profile picture! He is measuring right on schedule - and the midwife told me that "he's going to be a tall one!" Thankfully we will be able to use Graham's clothes (praying that we won't need his preemie outfits though!!).
I'm going to be a mom to 2's still sinking in. I know how close (most of the time) my sister and I were growing up and we were 2 1/2 years apart. These boys will be 2 years and 4 months-ish apart and I pray that they are able to share that special bond that Linz & I have!! Ok, ok...and I'm glad that they will be able to share a room eventually so that I can have a sewing room :) HA! Doubt that will happen, but one can dream!
So I'm seeing a future full of the following: forts, tents, balls, fighting (playful of course), balls, dirt, loud music, balls, broken limbs (it's bound to happen), and the list goes on!!
We feel truly blessed with the life that is growing inside of me!!! Thanks for all of the prayers!
Jeff, Lauren, Graham & Miles :)


Lindsey B said...

I can't believe you are going to be a mom to two boys! This is so crazy to me...I am so excited and hope that Miles likes him note on his present that his FAVORITE (and only) Aunt has on the way!!!

Casey said...

Congrats! So excited for you guys!

~Bekah said...

YEAH! FEBRUARY IS THE BEST MONTH! Maybe he'll be born on Feb. 9th! That's my b-day!