Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, July 27, 2007

9 month stats's been a few days since I've updated - SORRY!! We've had some great family time over the last couple of days, and I guess I was preoccupied!!!
Let's see...on Wednesday, we headed to the Aquarium with our friends Jacelyn, Elijah and Abigail. Graham LOVED the fishies!!!! I do believe our family membership will get it's fair share of use!! (Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!)

When we got back from the Aquarium, Jacelyn was putting Elijah down for a nap and he threw up all Graham and I helped clean that up and entertain Abigail while Jacelyn helped Elijah. Unfortunately, Elijah woke up with fever so we're praying that he feels better soon.

Yesterday morning, Graham woke up with fever and was just not himself. But we had his 9 month check up yesterday afternoon. He was having the other end of the illness (you moms out there know what I mean!) I got him out of the car at the doc's office, and I knew that we had a blow-out yet again ... we had just had one before we left the house! So I proceeded into the office carrying him a good 12 inches away from my body; let me rephrase that....he was climbing up me as if he recognized the office, so I was having to battle him to hold him away from me since we had a leaky diaper. Ms. Liz, the front desk lady, went around and opened the waiting room door and told us we were heading to room 2!! Graham weighed in at 21 lbs (60th percentile); 27 1/2 inches long (50th percentile); and a 18 inch head (75th percentile). Everything checked out fine. Dr. Sherri noticed that he had hip clicks, and asked if there was a family history - which there is. Jeff had hip clicks as a child. Jeff and I have noticed that Graham's hips click and make noises and you can actually feel them when he is sitting on your hip. So we were to have ultrasounds done, but they don't do them on infants over 6 months. So we are going to start with xrays and pray that they can see what they need to see - otherwise it's off to a CT scan or MRI with sedation. So please pray that everything is fine!!! When he sits on the floor, he can manuever his legs in ways that I didn't know were humanly possible. You can see the odd angles of those little legs in a few pictures that are posted.

Since we mentioned that we were exposed to a tummy bug and Graham was having the poop explosions, they went ahead and did some stool cultures so we should have those results back by Monday.

Graham continued to run fever today - and he was not himself all day. First, he woke up at 9...he's usually up and at 'em by 7:30. Then he wanted to crawl up Jeff and I, but he didn't want to be held. So we battled cranky baby for most of the day. His poor cheeks were a steady rosy red today. Thankfully with Tylenol and Motrin he felt a little better. He ate very poorly, and was totally not interested in his bottle.
While we were in the kitchen, Graham played on his play mat. Then he decided that he wanted to drink from a water bottle. So here are a few pictures for you to enjoy.
OH - a few new milestones for Mr. Graham:
He is learning to share!! Today he kept trying to give Jeff and I his Nunu....but not just hand it to us - he was trying to put it in our mouths!!!
Since he was feeling cruddy today, he didn't nap very we were having to go in his room frequently due to crying unusually loud, screeches -- and we found him standing up on the side, he has done this before, but only when we've been in the room with him.
He has also learned to sit up on his own, and we are finding him sitting in his crib playing with Mickey.
He has quite a good arm on him - as we are finding Nunus across his room!!! We have learned that at nap time and bed time, we must have 5 (yes, 5!) Nunus in the bed, because in the morning there will only be 1 left!!
Tonight, as Jeff was helping Graham eat his Cheerios, Jeff felt something sharp on Graham's gum....but the little booger wouldn't let us look in his mouth. So....we are thinking that there is a little tooth coming through!!!

Here is Graham in his PJs (I'm not into character clothing...but these are pretty cute!). He was in his Jammies most of the day today since he wasn't feeling well. I guess, I'll admit that mommy was in her jammies for a good portion of the day as well. The best part of the day - Graham was pretty much a cuddle bunny!! I miss the cuddle bunny days from when Graham was an itty bitty baby!!! He napped in my arms for a few minutes today. It was so sweet!! And I am reminded again of how loving our God is!!!

Hope you all enjoy our updates!!! We love you all!!
May the love of Christ be with you and yours -
Jeff, Lauren & Graham

1 comment:

Lindsey B said...


Tell your mommy that I would like to see pictures posted from your recent visit to Houston.


Nanny and Uncle Alex