Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Well...what can I say? I am finally diving into the mode of communication of the twentieth century! Now that I'm on here, I will do my best to update regularly.
As I am typing this post, I am listening to the sounds of Graham snoring (he can give my dad and Jeff a run for their money!) and watching my mom and brother (Justin) play duck hunt on the Wii. What a great way to spend a Saturday night!
A quick update on Graham: He is 8 months old and still has his red hair and big blue eyes. In the last few weeks he has started standing in his crib, pulling himself up, and is working on his crawl technique. We still have no teeth and at this rate he'll be walking before he gets them. He is eating all baby foods now, and has just begun eating some table food. In the last 24 hours we have learned that he really enjoys strawberries, bananas, and is indifferent to avacados. Oh - and how could I forget? He LOVES his "popcicles". No, I am not feeding my child frozen sugar water - instead, I have frozen "Go-gurt" and Graham will eat them as a special treat. When his half is gone, he looks around as if he is thinking "ok mom....I know that wasn't the whole thing!" He's such a smart cookie!!!!
Jeff and I are truly blessed to have been hand picked by God to teach, love, and nurture Graham as he grows. Check back often as we update and share our life happenings with you!!
I am looking forward to keeping friends and family, both far and near, up to date wtih the happenings of our sweet little family.
We want to know who is keeping up with our family, so please leave a comment!!
In His Grip,
Jeff, Laur & Graham


Lindsey B said...

Well, if you have a blog now I might have to start one.....but mine would be kind of boring. I guess the only thing exiciting would be my trips around the US...except they would lack my husband due to the demanding oil business......

BroncoDonny said...

Great way to keep the "fam" up-to-date on all your happenings. The photo of Graham was a surprise....he must grow a inch a day. Best wishes from Escondido.

Don and Linda

Anonymous said...

So far this is more interesting than Job's blog.